Wednesday, June 15, 2011

miranda lambert revolution album cover

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  • chrisj
    01-18 02:09 PM
    All the written agreements are valid in most of the states. but you can argue on the terms of agreement. He cannot ask her to stay in the company for 4 years. If she works in that company for 1 year, her employer should recover all the money he spent on her.
    The best way is to work there for 1 or 2 years and walk out without paying anything. Or just pay the filing fee and get out right away.

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  • Refugee_New
    10-13 04:04 PM
    The very first time I went in formals (for my F1 visa). After that I've been to the consulate seven times, and its always been in jeans and t shirt. Next time I'm thinking of going Tarzan style. It will save me the security hassle and will serve as a good respite from the Chennai heat.

    How about spiderman style? Undies outside

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  • permfiling
    01-18 01:35 PM
    Thanks for the correction to 4k. As the terms says "applicable under law". I think the agreement is in place to scare the person from leaving early. As she is in CA, i don't think CA laws honor these agreements

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  • tsiger
    06-20 04:48 AM
    yo guys.. thanx for voting my stamp! I am in the army now and i left things behind.. i won't be able to join frequently for the next 10 months so see you later all and thanx again for voting!


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  • sobers
    02-15 02:38 PM

    We all know about the McCain_Kennedy, Coryn-Kyl, and Hagel Senate bills. Apparently, Sen Frist, Majority Leader, is also compiling his own bill.
    Not sure if this contains any EB-relief provisions, but it would certainly be an important, welcome, addition.

    � The Frist Bill. Being prepared by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn. Aides say no decisions have been made on content. But sources say it may feature tougher immigration and border controls.

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  • chanduv23
    03-03 12:14 PM
    thanks for the encouraging reply. it seems like some people are getting denials without any NOIDs and are going out of status due to that. my previous company is not going to revoke my I-140 so that is not a problem. however i am concerned about any other stupid reasons that these people might put in a denial and make us go through the suffering process. do you know of any such situations or do you think that the USCIS is completely aware of this AC21 clauses and that they do not simply deny the cases. I know i am asking a completely insane question but just wanted to try any ways.
    thanks a lot in advance.

    Check out my blog on IV also check some threads that ran in past.

    Remember - RFE for employment does not necessarily get triggered because of 140 revoke - it can be triggered even if you change address (see some threads)


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  • dixie
    09-19 12:38 PM
    I dont see this as a particularly positive article... that is the reason it does not figure in the news section. This has been discussed before BTW .. way back in may just after it was published.
    Thanks for posting, manderson.

    The line "the group's efforts will be a test of the commonly expressed view that Americans are not opposed to immigration, only to illegal immigration" says it all.

    IV should consider adopting this as a byline...

    Also, pl.include this in the "IV in the News" section. I did not see it there..

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  • Now that Miranda Lambert has

  • gcnotfiledyet
    04-20 01:53 AM
    You will be extremely lucky to get any student loans without a US citizen/GC co-signer. I tried it in 2005 and had to get a co-signer. Now with economy tanking it will be tough sell without a co-signer. So do not waste lot of time in searching for student loans in US.

    As for credit cards, new laws passed by congress will not come into effect until July 2010. So until then credit card companies can screw you left and right. That beast is best not to deal with. Do not trust any lifetime APRs or anything from credit card companies. They can jack up your rates for no reason. There are no laws protecting consumers. Do not become another statistics in their game. No amount of credit card arbitrage justifies the time it needs.

    You can try HELOC if you have equity in your house.

    In my opinion even if you are paying 13.5%, it is best to keep student loans from banks. You can put them in deferment 6months post graduation or until you find a job. If you lose a job then you can get extension of deferment later down the road. The advantages associated with student loans are priceless. The money you will save by trying something different might not be your one month salary. In short not worth the headache.


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  • Miranda Lambert Album Covers

  • onemorecame
    06-25 04:18 PM
    They will process applications based on receipt date. But approval will happen only if your PD is current. That means if
    CASE A with PD 2003
    CASE B with PD 2005
    CASE C with PD 2007
    Say all file in July and if dates gets retrogess some time in OCT or before to 2006.
    Say for CASE A and CASE C all process is done( name check,... every thing but not approval) and CASE B is stuck in name check.
    then CASE A will be approved because A process is complete and PD is current
    CASE B will be pending waiting to clear name check though the PD is current
    Once name check done and PD is current this will approve.
    CASE C will not be approved though processing is complete PD is not current
    once PD become current CASE C will approve.

    This is just example to explain how it works.

    Thanks samrat_bhargava_vihari
    for this nice example to clear the things

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  • Miranda Lambert – Revolution

    12-02 08:06 AM
    Hello Guys, I am in dilemma about applying for my greencard. I cam to U.S in 1999 ON F-1 and later converted to H1B after working on CPT and OPT. My 6th year is going to end Spet 30th 2009. I have never been too inclined about settling over in U.S and I didn't care to apply for my Greencard. I am in the process of completing my part-time M.B.A and would like to extend my stay by another year or 2 (that is end of 2010 or 2011).

    My question is: I have all my papers ready to be submitted to my lawyer to apply for labor certification. But considering that it will take 3-4 months for advertisement and other stuff and probably another 3 months or more for getting labor cleared, I am wondering if I will be able to apply for I-140 and therby H1B 7th year extension. Have I runt out of time? Should I even apply for my labor or just convert to F-1 and wrap up my studies before returning back? I will greatly appreciate your suggestions.


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  • pmamp
    07-12 10:24 AM
    One possible issue with this assessment is that CIS Ombudsman released the report on June 11th and ISCIS published 'THE JULY 2007 BULLETIN' on June 12th. That may mean someone in USCIS decided ultra fast as to make all the dates current or they (USCIS top brass) knew about this report draft.

    I don't know if this report really caused USCIS to come out with that bulletin. there is something else under the hood which caused this reaction....

    Thanks to the person who posted the link to the Ombundsman report earlier - this is beginning to make sense now.

    USCIS Ombundsman report from JUNE 2007 says:

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  • go_guy123
    05-06 09:07 PM
    Dear IV Members,

    I know this is an immigration forum but I thought if I can get some valuable advice.

    A couple of days back, the police forced into our apartment saying that they have heard a complain about domestic violence. I was surprised because the only thing that happenned was that our child was crying during that time. They came inside and started searching our small apartment and started to interogate me. In our bedroom, there is space where we keep our deities and do Puja. My wife is a little bit more religious than me - so she requested them not to go to that space with shoes on. However, they did not listen and just went wherever they wanted. This I think is a disrespect to other culture. Later, when they did not find anything, they just left. We were dumb-founded. We were scared too.... In our building, we are the only Indian/foreigner. This might probably leave a permanant scar in the child's mind when he sees his father interrogated for nothing.

    Can someone advice if we can take the matter to someone? Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated.

    Why are u putting unrelated stuff here. You can always consult a lawyer for lawsuit
    if u feel. Ofcourse nothing is free. U will need to pay a lawyer for that.


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  • gcadream
    02-24 03:38 PM
    Hi Sakthisagar,

    So this time when you are going to apply in April for ur H1 extn, you will again be paying for H1 extn fees and H4 extn in case you have dependents ?

    Also one can file for H1 extn 1 week before his current H1 expiry date right ? without premium processing ?

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  • SureShot
    06-05 11:22 AM
    You should all be very proud of yourselves.

    These are the biggest pieces of S**T I have ever seen! Congrats!


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  • Miranda Lambert (Lexington

  • ambals03
    01-11 11:24 AM

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  • letstalklc
    10-07 10:37 AM
    Is there anything specific that can be done after 15 months? I was justing waiting for someone to look at my case at DOL. Can you please shed some more light on this?

    I tried to find information on the web, but I could not find anything anything particular to a case pending for 15 months or more.

    Please share your understanding with us all. I'm sure there are a lot of people who are in the similar situation.


    If your case is not filed by Fragomen and if it's passed 15 months period you can ask your lawyer to enquire about your case status, the DOL informed in the stake holders meeting to AILA no's that they are welcomed enquires to the cases that has been passed 15 months time period...for more information you can see in this web site under labor audit's endless delay thread (this is in the section of labor processing)

    Final conclusion - if your case is pending for more than 15 months and not filed by fragomen you can ask your employer to enquire about it.


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  • mantagon
    07-23 09:54 AM
    AP is not a status, it is just a travel authorization. So, you may let it expire and then when you need it again, you apply for a new one, to be used for re-entry to the US.

    Hope this helps!

    Hi guys,

    I bet this question must have been asked before but I couldn't find the relevant thread so I'm asking again. Apologies if its a repeat.

    I am maintaining my H1-B while my AOS is pending. Last year my wife went to India while she had valid H4 (not stamped in passport) and AP documents. She did not get her visa stamped and reentered the country using the AP with no issues. He I-94 said Parolled till Some date, March 2009. I totally forgot about it and never renewed her AP or mine. Does it pose any kind of threat to her legal status in the US and AOS?

    I am still working on H1 and she is a parolee.

    Thanks in advance fopr the responses.

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  • govind440
    08-30 07:05 AM

    tanx for ur reply. I already quit the job since i could not bear him..any more nd his mental torture...I ma planing to give a compliant to DOL and wanna c if it can be helpful to me..Si i cnat record anymore i tohught of recording it but never really got a courage to do that. I will c if i cna sue him...
    Try to record few of your conversations with him with a hidden camcorder and/or voice recorder, once you are sure you have enough evidence - talk to a good lawyer, also file for a h1b transfer and change job and once you get into your new job sue this old employer for mental agony and torture etc....... lawyer will manage this

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  • by Miranda Lambert

  • hopelessGC
    04-20 10:59 AM
    Rather, an Indian dude, or for that matter dudes everywhere would worry the most about the to-be-bride.

    Of course, he doesn't want her financial burdens spoil the honeymoon, jk :D

    Depending on what the payoff amount is, you can try getting a personal loan from DCU or a similar credit union at a low rate and payoff the India loan. And yes, you should check whether 13.5% interest is worse than the 6-7% interest you will pay on a US loan; so crunch some numbers using that calculator that is biting dust.

    One thought...why don't you just pay cash down?

    04-07 01:48 PM
    I hope it doesn't affect Employee (original labor) who have left GC employer using AC-21 with approved I-140 and after 180 days.

    This interpretation is game changer for life of many EB immigrants. It should be implemented for going forward but at least should not affect those who used it by the interpretation of that time.

    it affects the ORIGINAL applicant. AAO says the burden is on original applicant to prove wrongdoing by either employer or substituted new employee...

    "applicant failed to establish that the substituted alien improperly adjusted status"

    09-03 12:54 PM
    Thank you for sharing the boat. Although, it is better than being lonely, I don't want anyone in this dilemma.

    I hope we both get ours soon, hopefully by EOD today as other poster was wishing.

    I just called USCIS and confirmed with TSC and 2nd level customer service center that my case is approved on monday 09/01/09 SLUD date even though i have not recieved email for same.. Thank you all and good luck.

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