Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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  • raju123
    06-26 12:25 PM
    NumberUSA reported following possible amendments. Nothing for EB !!!
    If this is the case, we should strongly oppose the bill.

    According to El Bolet�n, �the official Senate Democratic Hispanic Task Force newsletter,� the following proposals are now under consideration for possible consideration if cloture is invoked:

    Democratic Amendments

    * Dodd-Menendez S.A. 1199: would increase the annual cap on green cards for parents and extend the parent visitor visa.
    * Webb S.A. 1313: Community ties for [amnesty]
    * Baucus-Tester S.A. 1236: would strike all reference[s] to REAL ID.
    * Sanders-Grassley S.A. 1332 : prohibits companies that have announced mass lay-offs from receiving any new visas, unless these companies could prove that overall employment at their companies would not be reduced by these lay-offs.
    * Byrd-Gregg-Cochran S.A. 1344: adds a $500 fee to obtain [amnesty] and sets aside the revenues collected in order to fund border and interior enforcement.
    * Menendez-Obama-Feingold S.A. 1317: increases family points in merit system
    * Brown S.A. 1340: requires that before employers can be approved to employ Y-1 workers, they must have listed the specific job opportunity with the state employment service agency.
    * McCaskill S.A. 1468: increases ban on federal contracts, grants or cooperative agreements to employers who are repeat violators of hiring immigrants who are not authorized to work
    * Levin-Brownback S.A.1486: gives access to Iraqis to apply for refugee status under existing U.S. law.
    * Leahy S.A. 1386: protect scholars who have been persecuted in their home countries on account of their beliefs, scholarship, or identity.
    * Schumer: provides for tamper-proof biometric social security cards
    * Boxer S.A. 1198: reduces Y visa cap by number of Y workers who overstay

    Republican Amendments

    * Alexander S.A. 1161: requires DHS and the Department of State to notify a foreign embassy when one of their nationals has become a U.S. citizen
    * Bond S.A. 1255: prohibits green cards for [illegal aliens granted amnesty]
    * Coleman S.A. 1473: outlaws state and local policies that prevent public officials * including police and health and safety workers (except for emergency medical assistance)*from inquiring about the immigration status of those they serve if there is �probable cause� to believe the individual being questioned is undocumented.
    * Domenici S.A. 1335/1258: increases Federal judgeships
    * Ensign S.A. 1490: redetermines work history for current beneficiaries of social security depending on their citizenship status
    * Graham S.A. 1465: enforcement. Still being drafted.
    * Grassley-Baucus-Obama S.A. 1441: strikes and replaces Title III on employer enforcement
    * Hutchinson S.A. 1440: changes the �touchback� requirement from the time of applying for adjustment of status, as it currently stands in the Senate proposed bill, to the time of applying for the Z visa. Increases the number of individuals required to touchback
    * Thune S.A. 1174: prevents [illegal aliens] from [being granted amnesty] until all triggers have been met.
    * Chambliss S.A. 1318: Totalization agreements
    * Isakson S.A. 1282: Preemption/Home Depot
    * Graham: Criminal penalties/mandatory minimums for overstays

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  • seeking_GC
    09-23 06:30 PM
    We applied in NSC

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  • qvadis
    04-02 11:37 PM
    I second morpheus suggestion to add more names to the list. Please, don't take any offense but I believe that it would be good to have some diversity.

    Some more immigrants:

    Andy Bechtolsheim, cofounder Sun,
    Safi Qureshey, cofounder of AST

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  • hello
    11-29 01:52 PM
    Source The OH law firm

    The Oh Law Firm (

    10/14/2010: USCIS Pre-Registration Requirement Rule-Making Agenda in Nonimmigrant and Immigrant Proceedings - How Soon?

    The USCIS has been pushing proposals to change procedures of filing of nonimmigrant petitions as well as I-485 applications for sometime. The agency placed these proposals on its agenda this year and surely enough, it has initiated the first part of its agenda in its rule-making vault. The agency drafted and has been seeking the OMB approval for proposed regulation to require pre-registration of the H-1B petitions, apparently as part of its business transformation transition program. It appears that the proposed pre-registration requirement in the H-1B petition process may not bring a drastic impact on the H-1B petitioning employers and the alien beneficiaries. However, its agenda for requiring I-485 applicants to pre-register their intents to file I-485 applications regardless of the visa number availability in the Visa Bulletin will have a significant impact on the immigrants because the proposed rule would discontinue the concurrent filing process for employment-based adjustment of status applicants and would require that an alien seeking to immigrate based upon a classification that is subject to numerical limitations must be the beneficiary of an approved immigrant petition prior to proceeding through a revised adjustment of status process. In plain language, it means that it would terminate the current I-140 and I-485 concurrent filing procedure. The agency justification was to streamline the overall I-485 process and to mitigate visa retrogression through improved estimation of immigrant visa availability. This proposal is still in the vault of the USCIS rule-making agenda with the initial estimation of the proposed rule initiation action in October 2010. We have no information as to whether or not the agency will keep this schedule or will rather turn it over to FY 2011. Whether it initiates sooner or later, it will not have an immediate impact on the foreign workers seeking a green card as the rule-making process will drag into months to come in year 2011. But this is something one has to keep an eye on the development of the USCIS schedules of changes in application procedures. For the reasons, this site will closely monitor the agency's movement from here on. Please stay tuned to this web site for the development of this news.

    Any news on this?Will they give EAD?


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  • inskrish
    02-24 10:08 PM
    There is another thread where the same topic was discussed earlier:

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  • BMS1
    08-21 06:37 PM
    are you in EB2?
    Yes I am.


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  • saibalagi
    01-02 01:21 PM
    Hi Vallabhu,
    Sorry to hear you.
    Pease try this edu.eval guys could help, my friend also appeal using their edu.eval

    Hope this can work it out.

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  • h1vegas
    10-07 07:37 PM
    Keep a copy of your paystub at your work place
    PS: Official comes from DHS to your office not your home

    Moreover how hard it is to keep a copy of your paystub at your desk


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  • eb2india
    01-17 05:39 PM
    I had the same problem. I got the card valid for only 2 months instead of one year. I submitted a new application along with which I submitted all the required documents as if I was filing for a new card. Additionally I submitted the Original card which had the typo and a letter explaining the typo. I did not submit any fee. I got my new card after two months. Please go through the instructions on the EAD application which contains information about replacement card.

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  • eb3India
    02-21 11:08 AM
    who really cares what they put up on those stupdi dates,

    they can make up anything and call the that as a law, no body to question them, not checks and balances


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  • abhijitp
    02-14 06:09 PM
    This doesn't feel good :o

    For the same reason, please help yourself to the NORCAL thread;)

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  • ujjvalkoul
    01-17 06:08 PM
    2 months is another long wait....I guess it cud be more ....

    Was your at Nebraska Service center too?


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  • TexDBoy
    06-10 02:51 AM
    Are those requested documents not part of standard documentation when we submit our 485 application.
    My lawyer asked me to submit all the I-20s and H1B copies when we applied for 485 ....

    Again, its interesting that they are looking for status as back as 1998 and not from the last entry ...

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  • h1b_holder
    03-15 11:20 PM
    can someone please give me some advices about this situation?

    I'm in US since Aug 2006 with F1 visa (and F2 my spouse).
    Nothing changed in 2007, and I didn't leave US at all.
    Then in June 2008, my visa status changed to H1B (and H4 for spouse).
    I am also receiving tuition waiver as employment benefits (I got the 1098T form for that).
    Spouse does not have ITIN and never filed any returns in US. By the way, is there a problem I didn't request an ITIN for my spouse by now? should F2 always have an ITIN even if spouse has never had any income of any sort?
    I have always filed 1040NR-EZ (for 2006 and 2007) but didn't claim spouse these 2 years (while on F2)

    My question is whether I have substantial presence in US after 3 years or not, and which form should I file. How about spouse's (with no ITIN) tax forms? Thank you.


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  • trance
    07-19 09:38 PM
    Hi There,

    I work in Company A, and Company A filed my GC April 2008 under EB2 Category.

    Priority Date: April 2008

    I-140: Approved

    I-485- To be Filed

    I also have a Masters Degree in the US.

    I received an offer from Company B (Top consulting Firm) and they are willing to process my GC but in EB3 Category.

    My Current H1 will expire in May 2012.

    My wife is in the health care profession and currently a student in school and should get a a job next year. She is on a F1 currently and she should apply for a H1 next year. I am assuming that she can file for a GC in the EB2 category.

    1. Does it make sense to take up the offer or just wait for my I -485 date to become current. If i do not take up the offer, then i would lose out from a career growth perspective.

    2. If i take up the offer and apply in the EB 3 category, hoping that my wife�s GC would be filed in EB2, can i apply I -485 with her.

    3. Finally, does it make any sense to apply in EB3?

    Your advice would be appreciated...



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  • cableching
    05-21 12:33 AM
    The example he has given is a special case. The guy needs H1, because his son was out of status. Something is missing in the case. The child came to US 10 years back on B2 and stayed on B2 forever without extending or changing the status???

    We need H1 only when we are not married or we have not filed I-485 for the dependants.


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  • JunRN
    09-17 10:10 AM
    Once this bill passed the Committee, there are more work to do. We need to call again so that it will be put to vote at the Full House level and then, at the Senate.

    I sent "Thank you!!!" flowers to Sen. Menendez for sponsoring the same bill in the Senate.

    Let's call again today. Time is precious.

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  • raamskl
    07-20 09:57 PM
    I sent in form G-325 for both me and my wife along with my I-485 instead of the G-325A as required on I-485 instructions by oversight. What do you guys recommend I do? Should I send in a new application or just send in the G-325A form with a letter stating the issue? Please help.

    browsing through this link

    it seems they do use all the 4 pages of G325A (Check out section 3). But page 10 also mentions that if only one copy G28 is present, then the manual instructs the contractor to make a copy. Well, they might be able to make copies, but that is just a guess. And if you skim through this pdf it talks about various mistakes that the applicants might make and on how the contractor (guy handling the application) should work around it. So they seem pretty forgiving.

    My advice is to call USCIS and inquire about it, sometimes they are very helpful.


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  • GC_1000Watt
    12-03 02:43 AM
    Just for updating everyone, I got my stamping done successfully at Tijuana. They give the passport next day as expected, so just make sure to make the arrangement for the night. It's pretty cool for H-1B people both for full-time plus contractors, albeit for contractors they sometimes will call/e-mail your employer to verify. It will usually happen in a day or two and they'll issue the visa then. Let me know if anyone wants any particular details on Tijuana/H-1B stamping there.

    Many congratulations. I will appreciate if you can share your experience in detail.
    1)The documents you carried along with you.
    2)Hotel where you stayed
    3)Did you have the tourist visa for mexico?
    4)Did you get H1B for 3 years or less?
    5)Questions VO asked.


    07-13 02:04 PM

    The question is, how will this rally look and feel different from illegal immigrant rally?

    01-07 09:17 PM
    THe Lottery is the dumbest piece to obtain GC. Imagine some guy who does nothing to the USA applies, comes here sucks the $$ out of the system by coming here, staying here and enjoying all monetray benefits of a GC like unemployment benefits etc

    People who have been paying taxes for 6-10+ years and working in the US economy get only 50,000 Green cards a year, while 50,000 complete strangers in a foreign country get Green card in a year because they happen to be lucky and win a lottery !! :mad:

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